How to WIN Tennis Matches

Everyone likes to win their tennis matches, yet when the game is in the balance or when the opportunity arises to win the match or set, that is when most players suffer from anxiety, self-doubt or panic.

At these times in a match you want to work on being relaxed, confident and focused. To achieve this you need to have your own winning game plan perfectly clear in your mind.

At these stages, where tension, emotion and the stakes are high, your best bet is to direct all of your heightened energy into executing your winning game plan.

As the saying goes “if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail”.

One aspect of coaching that is routinely overlooked throughout the world is ensuring that competitive players are well versed in knowing what the core formula to win a tennis match is.

This core formula is the basis of all successful game plans. Make sure you clearly define what your strengths are and exactly how you can execute your best passages of play to utilise these strengths.

Game plans can be very complex the more advanced and astute a player is. However, at the end of the day all great game plans will be based around the OnCourt Advantage basic winning formula.

When you are under pressure, remember: Keep It Simple Stupid.

ALWAYS use the OnCourt Advantage 4 steps for winning when you are playing competitively:

1. Use your strength/s as much as possible;

2. Use your strength or strengths to play to your opponent’s weakness or weaknesses as much as possible;

3. Do not let your opponent off the hook once you have them in trouble. Use the OnCourt Advantage you have created by completing steps 1 and 2 to press home your advantage immediately;

4. Carry out the above 3 steps at pivotal times and on the big points.

If you execute this process then you are playing with the percentages. Focus on executing and then all you can do is let the chips fall where they may. When you play with the percentages though, the result has a high probability of going your way.

Turn the tables in your favour by using these 4 steps. This will help you to be playing high percentage tennis. To be even more effective, look to place your opponent in a position where they have to play the low percentage options.

If your opponent still beats you, then at least you did the right things by forcing  them to prove that they were too good on that particular day.

Try to follow this process next time you are on court playing a match so you have the OnCourt Advantage!


About Singapore Tennis Lessons 281 Articles
Jay Davern is available for training 7 days per week, email for details. All training both on court and off court can be tailored to your requests. Jay is a tennis sports scientist, a master of the analysis and correction of stroke production, footwork, court movement and in strategy and tactics. He teaches all students peak performance psychology techniques to dramatically improve mental focus and success.

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